DESCRIPTION: TEMACOAT RM-40 is a solvent-modified epoxy primer and/or finishing paint with EC marking and multifunctional properties. Excellent resistance to chemical abrasion and immersion in water.
RECOMMENDED USE: TEMACOAT RM-40 is recommended for adhesion priming for the FoodGrade epoxy paints of the FK-45 range, particularly in metal food tanks and silos. Recommended for the construction of casing, tubular bridges, industrial machinery, transporters, boat hulls and other steel structures and equipment. Temacoat RM-40 can be used as either a primer or finishing coat for steel, aluminium, zinc and cement surfaces exposed to mechanical and/or chemical wear and tear (also for structures that form part of underground structures or are submerged in water). Also applicable on fibreglass, plastics and ABS. The product also serves as a vapour barrier for cement or concrete surfaces... Anti-corrosion ISO 12944-5 primer and finishing coat.
HOW TO APPLY: TEMACOAT RM-40 can be applied by brush or roller, or for finishes and optimum applications by using an Airless spray gun. Following the elimination of any rust, along with an adequate preparation of the surface, slowly pour component B into component A, mix together gently, using an electric mixer, for at least 2 minutes or until the components have blended completely together, and then leave to rest for 1 minute before starting to apply. When mixing always use complete batches of component A and component B, to avoid errors in the mixing ratio. When applying to galvanised surfaces, as well as a first coat, we recommend that you dilute with up to 30% of the Thinner 1031, a universal or an epoxy thinner. Drying times and the length of time you will need to wait between coats will depend on the actual thickness of each coat, temperature, level of relative humidity and ventilation. Clean utensils immediately after use with water. For more information consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines and the safety sheet.
AVERAGE YIELD: According to recommended film thickness and depending on the texture and absorption of the surface it is applied to. It is recommended that the thickness of the TEMACOAT RM-40 be applied in two coats.
-For a dry thickness in microns 80 µm - consumption is 125 ml/m² - with a yield of 8.1 m²/l.
-For a dry thickness in microns 125 µm - consumption is 195 ml/m² - with a yield of 5.2 m²/l.