Application guides

by Fakolith Chemical Systems

Painting or repainting, repair and protection of single-layer mortar facades and similar, prefabricated concrete, and facades already painted with a system based on Disperlith Repara Fachadas

Description of the problem

Sometimes, in restoration in general, it is not possible to use silicate paints, because the facades are already painted with non-mineral paints. In other cases, although the facades are not painted, it is not convenient to use neither silicate paints, nor conventional paints for facades, for different reasons; from aesthetic, economic, pathologies, incompatibility with the mineral supports, etc.

In these cases our paint Disperlith Repara Fachadas, takes special importance. It is a multipurpose paint that adapts to any situation in facades, with excellent properties, wide range of oxide colors, easy to handle, high performance, highly resistant to alkalis, with excellent adhesion to a great diversity of bases, and equipped with BioFilmStop technology of high resistance to microorganisms.  Especially when applied over textured mortars such as single-layer mortars, it respects their peculiar texture to the maximum, providing natural aesthetic finishes, similar to those obtained with silicate paints. For the repainting of facades in general, it is also the best option.

Summary of the most common basic solution and procedure


Depending on the existing pathologies, any of the following options shall be chosen:

- Option A - FAKOLITH FK-111: In case of surfaces severely affected by pollution, especially in lower parts of the building, apply the descaler and cleaner of grease, pollution, industrial dirt, and rinse with water. After which general cleaning with FK-12 of the totality of mineral bases to rehabilitate.

- Option B - FAKOLITH FK-12: In all the cases always clean the facade with the cleaner of damages of humidity, FK-12, like damages of mold, saltpeter, biofilm, light pollution... in the totality of surfaces to rehabilitate, having or not used previously, FK-111. After subsequent rinsing with water and air drying, the base will be cleaned for the following treatment.


Our family of elite mortars with multifunction additives effectively solve applications from 8 mm to 20 cm, in a single coat, both in repairs of major flaws, cracks, cornices, degradation of other mortars, masonry breaks, cracks, fissures, as well as for finishing new plaster and screeds.

- Option A - ELITE CAL PLUS MORTAR: This is the most widely used plaster mortar in the restoration of facades and heritage. It requires its Multilite additive. For vertical applications of very low thickness, up to 2mm, there is the option of Elite Smoothing Mortar, also enriched with its Multilite additive. The Elite Smoothing Mortar can also be applied over the Elite Lime Plus Mortar, in just a few microns, to achieve a very smooth finish.

- Option B - ELITE EXTREME MORTAR: The version with greater physical resistance of our elite plastering mortars, it is close in performance to the resistance of concrete, without losing its properties of ease of application and malleability. It is indicated for extreme situations and maximum durability. It requires its Multilite additive. For specific structural repairs, our elite R3 mortar is available.


As a primer and bonding bridge of the mineral base with the Disperlith Repara Fachadas paint, we have 3 possible options, depending on the most convenient:

- Option A - FAKOLITH FK-7. Apply an abundant coat of the polyvalent water repellent FK-7 (in a 1:14 parts water solution), as long as there is no paint on the surface or any remaining paint, that is, directly on the mineral base, in order to provide it with water-repellent properties, consolidate it superficially and provide a very appropriate bonding bridge for the subsequent finishing paint.

- Option B - Disperlith Primer. Apply an abundant coat of Disperlith Primer, in its pure state. It can be applied directly on the mineral base, or on old paints or remains of these.

- Option C - DISPERLITH PRIMER + FK-16. In order to enhance more if possible the fixation of old paints or remains of these, or to block stains from the base itself and prevent them from surfacing, Disperlith Primer would be applied first, in its pure state and then FK-16 (from pure to 1:4 parts in water) as a consolidator / fixative and bonding bridge of paints in poor condition and mineral bases with degradation.


To achieve adequate protection and long-term preservation of mineral bases, with 100% acrylate paint and BioFilmStop Technology, 2 coats of Disperlith Repara Fachadas paint will be applied, in the desired oxide colors.

- Disperlith Repara Fachadas: Application of 100% acrylate paint in 2 coats spaced at least 2-4 hours apart, in white or in the desired oxide colors. It offers to the support where it is applied high values of transpiration, it is permeable to water vapor, being very impermeable to rainwater. In addition, due to its special viscosity, it offers a high performance in its application, respecting faithfully the existing texture of the base.

Application process

1.- Option A - FK-111

DESCRIPTION AND MAIN USE: FAKOLITH FK-111 is a detergent cleaner for use with grease-based dirt or grime, pollution, biofilms matrix, scorching or industrial grime in general, on surfaces resistant to alkaline solutions. Mainly for use in the food industry, industry in general, construction and civil engineering. Health Register FAKOLITH RGSEAA ES-39.005259/T y ROESP E-0043-E.

RECOMMENDED THINNER: 1 part FK-111 to 4 parts water. Can also be used undiluted if necessary, in more contaminated areas or when speed of action is required.

HOW TO APPLY: Carefully protect all surfaces that are not to be treated from splashing. Apply diluted FK-111 using spray guns, brushes or rollers and immediately activate the product by scrubbing with a brush with stiff plastic bristles, working particularly on the worst affected areas. Allow 15-20 minutes to pass, although always before it has dried, and then wash off and rinse thoroughly using water under pressure. If so required the operation can be repeated. Leave to dry before going ahead with possible additional treatments. For further details consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines, along with the safety sheet.

AVERAGE YIELD: Undiluted FK-111 provides a yield of approx. 8-12 litres/m², although depending on the extent of the contamination this may vary considerably.

1.- Option B - FK-12

PRODUCT SUMMARY: Concentrated water-based detergent cleaner, free of chlorine and formaldehyde, biodegradable and compatible with moisture. Wide range of applications and sectors, for use both indoors and outdoors, on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

For cleaning moisture damage on surfaces of various materials; saltpetre blooms, lime blooms, surface damage caused by the action of microorganisms such as mould, moss, bacteria and biofilm matrix, as well as medium-grade pollution. Mainly used in industry in general, food industry, health sector, establishments in general, restoration of facades and heritage, civil works.

It presents a notorious descaling power of penetration, leaving the pore of the base, clean, open and receptive for later treatments; consolidators, protectors, waterproofing impregnations, primers, paints and coatings, anti-graffiti protections, etc. Its tensoactive components facilitate the neutralization of the base, after rinsing with water. With Declaration of Conformity.

MODE OF APPLICATION: Application from concentrated to dissolved 1:4 in water as a general rule. Adapt the dissolution according to the needs and conditions of each surface. The higher the concentration, the faster the action, and the higher the capacity to clean the damage. Especially to eliminate lime and microorganisms in wood will be applied without dilution.

Once the dissolution is done, apply preferably from the upper area, with brush, sponge, mop, spray, as appropriate in each case:

- Insist where the reaction is triggered and rub the affected area with brushes.
- Rinse with water before the product and the dissolved dirt dry.
- Allow to dry before proceeding with other treatments.

CONSUMPTION - PERFORMANCE: It is very variable, depending on the solution used, type and absorption of the surface, method of application, type and degree of dirt or affection, so its average performance can vary between 4 m² and 15 m² per litre of concentrate.

2.- Option A - MORTERO ELITE Cal Plus Crema

DESCRIPTION: Mortero Élite Cal Plus is a rendering mortar, mixed with lime, category F1 CS IV W2, with EC Marking. In a standard issue cream-colour, with a granulometry of 01, excellent thixotropy that, along with the elite system additives, will always allow for applications of thick coats in cases of volumetric re-composition. Brings excellent workability, plasticity, along with optimised times for subsequent cutting and finishing. Its lime composition increases compatibility with old surfaces, on which its setting, congruity, melding, breathability and durability values are of particular importance.

MAIN USE: Mortero Élite Cal Plus mortar is ideal for restoration work and the creation of rendered elements that will work on both functional and decorative levels, for the restoration of façades and heritage work, new-builds, civil engineering in general, construction, the food industry, the health sector, industry in general, etc. Mainly for use on vertical and horizontal surfaces, as well as surfaces in immersion, including saltwater immersion.


• MULTILITE: Silicate additive that provides plasticity, consolidation, open-time workability and an increase in physical/chemical resistance.

• FK-19 Plus: Pure acrylates/polyurethane additive that provides impermeability, plasticity and an increase in physical/chemical resistance.

HOW TO APPLY: Carefully protect all surfaces that are not to be treated from splashing. The support must be consistent, clean, free of hygroscopic salts, microorganisms, dust, mould-release agents, paint or any other substance that could affect adherence. The base needs to have been duly primed and all possible fissures or cracks in the base, caused by retraction or settling, etc. will need to have been stabilised.

1. Prepare the elite additive mix and add water, in a proportion of 1 litre of additive for every 6 litres of water. Immediately before adding the mortar prime the mineral base using the same solution of elite additive and water that you used for the mix.

2. Mix the mortar with around 5.7 to 6.2 litres of the solution for every 25 kilos of the Élite Cal Plus mortar until you have obtained a homogenous blend, free of lumps, and then go ahead with immediate application, either by hand or by spraying. The indicated range for mix ratios will vary depending on the ambient temperature, absorption of the base and whether or not it is to be applied by hand or using a mortar spraying machine. In each case we recommend using as little as possible of the solution. If cracks or fissures appear after drying this will be because too much liquid has been used. In case of doubts prepare previous samples to determine the ideal ratio.

3. Manual application: Firstly spread a fine coat over the support, pressing down to squeeze any air out and then gradually build up until you obtain the required thickness, up to a recommended maximum of 15-20 cm. For machine applications, spray directly onto the surface until the required thickness has been obtained.

4. After the mortar has been levelled you will have to wait for approx. 1 to 2 hours before you can give it shape, etching, scraping or theming it. The mortar will remain workable for at most 4 to 12 hours following application, although this will vary depending on temperature and humidity conditions.

5. After doing the texturing work leave to dry for 24 hours, in which time the last effects can be added, before going ahead with the finishing work.

6. At singular points, such as structural joints, areas where different materials meet, such as windows, and in general for significant thicknesses when doing volumetric reconstruction and professional theming work, etc, it is recommended that an intermediate mesh be incorporated to reinforce and hold the coat together, increasing both resistance to stresses and shrinkage.

7. When application is complete clean the utensils, the machinery and/or hoses with water immediately after use, before the mortar can go off.

NOTE: This is a thixotropic mortar; if it starts to solidify re-stir it and it will recover fluidity. Under no circumstances add more water. For more information regarding special applications consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines, along with the safety sheet.

AVERAGE YIELD-CONSUMPTION: Approx. 16 Kg/m² of Mortero Élite Cal Plus mortar, plus 0.55 litres of elite additive per centimetre of thickness. Approx. 0.85 litres of elite additive will be consumed for each 25 kg of Mortero Élite Cal Plus.

2.- Option B - MORTERO ELITE Extreme

DESCRIPTION: Elite Extreme mortar is a plastering mortar category CS IV and CE marked (more than triples the standard resistance of 6 N/mm², reaching up to 20 N/mm² with proper curing). Standard in white color and granulometries 01 and 0.2, excellent thixotropy that always together with the additives of the elite system, allows the application of large thicknesses for volumetric recomposition, with excellent workability, plasticity and optimized open time for subsequent carving and finishing.

MAIN USE: Elite Extreme mortar is recommended wherever the best possible performance in a CS IV plastering mortar is required. Due to its special composition, it provides high hardness and resistance, for the creation and restoration of horizontal and vertical surfaces, both indoors and outdoors, as well as for immersion. High thixotropic performance, applications from 0.5 cm to 15 cm volume in a single coat. Suitable for the creation of plaster elements, both functional and decorative, in the restoration of facades and heritage, in new construction, civil works in general, construction, food industry and health sector, industry in general, etc.. mainly in vertical and horizontal surfaces and in immersion even in salt water in special situations such as theming work in general, in aquariums, zoos and the like.


- MULTILITE: silicate additive that provides plasticity, consolidation, open time workability and increases physical/chemical resistances.

- FK-19 Plus: pure acrylate and polyurethane additive, which provides waterproofing, plasticity and increases physical/chemical resistance.

WAY OF APPLICATION: Protect well all surfaces that should not be treated or splashed. The support must be well consolidated and consistent, clean, free of hygroscopic salts, microorganisms, dust, release agents, paint or any other substance that may affect its adhesion. The mineral substrates where it is applied must be properly primed and all possible existing cracks due to shrinkage, settling, etc., must also be stabilized.

1. Prepare the mixture of multilite or FK-19 Plus + water in a proportion of 1 liter of additive for every 5 liters of water. If it is applied over a mineral base, prime it with the same elite + water admixture solution that will be used for its mixing, just before applying the mortar.

2. Knead the mortar from 4.2 to 5.2 liters of solution per 25 kg of elite Extreme mortar, until a homogeneous, lump-free mass is obtained, to proceed with its immediate application, either by hand or sprayed. The indicated range of mixing ratio varies depending on the temperature of the environment, absorption of the base, thicknesses and its use by hand or with a spraying machine. We recommend in each case, to use the smallest possible amount of solution; if after drying it presents cracks it is because too much liquid part has been used, in case of doubt make a previous sample to determine the ideal ratio.

3. For its use by hand: Spread first a very thin coat on the support pressing so that the air comes out, and then build up again until obtaining the required thickness, with a recommended maximum of 15-20 cm.

4. For use with a machine, spray directly until the desired thickness is reached, adjusting the appropriate viscosity just at the beginning of the projection.

5. Once the mortar has been levelled, wait approximately 1-2 hours to be able to give it the required shape or planimetry, trim, scrape, theme, with the maximum period of workability starting from 6-12 hours from its application, variable depending on the thickness applied, the temperature and the ambient humidity.

6. Once the texture works have been carried out, it will be left to dry for 24 hours, time in which the last effects can be carried out, and proceed with the finishes.

7. In special situations or singular points like structural joints, unions between different materials, windows, and in general for great thicknesses in volumetric reconstruction and professional thematization, etc, it is convenient the incorporation in the intermediate part of a reinforcement mesh to reinforce it, increasing the resistance against tensions or dilatations.

8. After the application, clean the tools, machinery and/or hoses with water immediately after use, before the mortar sets.

NOTE: It is a thixotropic mortar, if it loses fluidity, shake it again and it will fluidize. Never add more water. For further details and special applications, consult technical data sheet and/or application guides, and safety data sheet.

CONSUMPTION - AVERAGE YIELD: Approx. 18-20 Kg/m² of elite Extreme mortar + 0.55 l of elite additive per 1 cm of thickness. Approx. 0.85 l of elite additive is consumed per 25 kg of elite Extreme mortar.

With Multilite in hand application:

- For plastering up to 1-1.5cm / thickness: between 4.4l.- 4.6l. of solution / 25kg bag (0.75l.-0.80l./multilite / 25kg bag).
- In applications over 1,5cm: between 4,2l.-4,5l. of solution/bag 25Kg. (0,70-0,75l./multilite/bag 25Kg.)

- Application with spraying machine: between 4,8l.-5l. of solution/bag 25Kg) (0,80-0,75l./multilite/bag 25Kg).

With FK-19 Plus, application by hand:

- For plaster up to 1-1,5cm thickness: between 4,6l.- 4,8l. of solution/bag 25Kg (0,75l.-0,80l./FK-19 P./bag 25Kg).
- In applications over 1,5cm: between 4,4 l. - 4,6 l. /bag 25Kg. (0,70-0,75l./FK-19 Plus/bag 25Kg)

- Application with spraying machine: between 5 l. - 5,2 l. /bag 25Kg) (0,85-0,9l./FK-19 Plus/bag 25Kg)

3.- Option A - FK-7 (CE Marking)

DESCRIPTION: FAKOLITH FK-7 is a concentrated, water-miscible, consolidating water-repellent, micro/nano dispersion, with CE Marking test data, effective against micro-organisms, with penetrating action, colourless and highly breathable. Provides effective protection against environmental influences and the causes and consequences of dampness in absorbent construction materials. The micro/nano dispersion of the FK-7 modified nano silane-siloxanes results in a “dew-drops” water-repellent effect. Once dissolved in potable water the mix is low voc and reacts with the construction element to which it has been applied, producing a water-resistant area, while at the same time allowing for the complete dispersion of water vapour (SD = 0.02), presenting excellent resistance to environmental influences and UV rays. Due to its high level of breathability FK-7 will not compromise the correct curing of the base material. Stable with regard to meteorological changes it rejects dirt and grime. Protects against harmful, hygroscopic salt bloom on construction elements and counteracts the appearance of damp patches originating inside walls. Another important function is that it highlights and maintains the natural colours of the surfaces it is applied to. Activates transpiration by drying damp patches and, due to its BioFilmStop technology, FK-7 is also highly resistant to mould and algae. Can be applied to damp surfaces, as it transmits through water. Particularly recommended for concrete structures where, due to its penetrability and protection against damp, it protects by inhibiting corrosion of the internal rebar-reinforcing, in this way prolonging useful life.

BIOFILMSTOP SANITARY TECHNOLOGY: FK-7 is an intelligent water-repellent, treated with BioFilmStop Inhibition Technology, and highly resistant to mould and microorganisms, DIN-UNE EN 15457:2008 ((Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Algae…), as well as bacteria ISO 22196:2011. The products in the BioFilmStop range positively contribute to compliance with (EC) 852/2004, and are manufactured subject to HACCP and GMP (EC) 2023/2006, also notably improving HACCP, food safety and asepsis for the user company. Declaration of Conformity – Health Register FAKOLITH RGSEAA ES-39.005259/T y ROESP E-0043-E.

MAIN USE: FAKOLITH FK-7 is ideal for the waterproofing, conservation, drying and strengthening of almost all porous or absorbent mineral materials, such as natural and artificial stone, concrete, mineral based paints and coatings, absorbent ceramics; and also for wood, interior or exterior and subject to a wide range of climactic conditions, principally on vertical wall surfaces and façades. FK-7 is the ideal water-repellent for restoration processes on surfaces suffering from damp pathologies. Apt for application in drilled rising damp treatments, request additional information. Mainly for use on façades and for rehabilitation, heritage projects, theming, civil engineering, industry in general, the food industry, etc. Limitations: Any type of polished base that lacks capacity for absorption (in these cases use FK-4 Extreme). Extremely alkaline, white or fresh cement bases (in these cases use FK-3 Plus N). Interior or exterior natural stone bases with water lixiviation with surface creep (limited function).

WATER THINNING: Generally speaking concentrated FK-7 should be diluted at a ratio of 1:14. For bases with rising damp, in order to enhance the natural colour of the mineral surface, and also in the case of woods, dilute using potable water, at a ratio of 1:9. Solely mix the quantity that you will be using during the day, given that the mix will only remain stable for around 8-12 hours and should not be used once that time has elapsed.

HOW TO APPLY: Carefully protect all surfaces that are not to be treated from splashing. Following suitable preparation of the surface, apply FK-7 2 or 3 times in a row using brushes, rollers or spray guns, each time on top of the previous coat while it is still wet, and always working from the bottom up. Make sure you clean all utensils immediately after use with water. Only apply the quantity that can be absorbed by the surface to be covered and avoid applications that will leave excess product on the surface. Will resist rain 24 hours after application, although the full water-repellent affect does not occur until several days have passed. Applicable at temperatures of 2-3ºC or over. For more information consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines, along with the safety sheet.

AVERAGE YIELD: FK-7, when undiluted, provides a yield of approx. 20-60 litres/m², although this may vary considerably depending on type of surface and method of application. Average consumption in solution is approx. 250 ml/m², although this may also vary between 100 and 500 ml/m².

3.- Option B - DISPERLITH Primer

PRODUCT SUMMARY: DISPERLITH PRIMER is a water-based consolidating primer, with hybrid resins and quartz nano-spheres, ideal as a primer prior to painting with paints from the Disperlith range and dispersion paints in general.

Low Voc, fast drying, breathable and with high penetration in the base. Ideal for fixing, consolidating and bridging surfaces before painting. Can be applied on mineral bases, pladur®, bases painted with dispersion paints, mineral paints, sol-silicate, silicone resin and other paints and coatings that are deteriorated but well adhered to the base.

Highly moisture resistant primer, treated with BioFilmStop antimicrobial technology (BPR Art.3) effective against internal regeneration of bacteria, biofilm, moulds and yeasts.

MODE OF APPLICATION: Those bases that were affected by moisture and microorganisms should be pre-cleaned with the moisture damage cleaner FK-12.

After the cleaning has dried, the primer will be applied, without dilution, and according to the needs of each surface, 1 or 2 coats will be applied by brush, roller, spray or airless.

CONSUMPTION - PERFORMANCE: DISPERLITH PRIMER has a coverage of approximately 4-10 m²/l. Depending on the way of application, texture and absorption of the base coat it can vary considerably.

3.- Option C - FK-16

PROPERTIES: FAKOLITH FK-16 is a water-based polyfunctional hybrid, formulated on a basis of 100% pure acrylates and polyester nanometrics, transpirable and solvent free. FK-16 is resistant to weather, is has a neutral odour, easy to apply, high penetration, and provides excellent adhesion to almost any surface, does not swell or chip and has excellent qualities of covering (when undiluted) and binding (when dissolved in water).

RECOMMENDED USE: FK-16, when applied undiluted provides excellent cover, particularly for covering stains in general, nicotine, soot, sugar, water, plus stains caused by burns, smoke, typical façade stains, for the food industry... FK-16, when dissolved in water, at a ratio ranging from 1:2 to 1:7 functions as a binder of sandy bases, compensating for the capacity of surface absorption of different kinds of surfaces, and so as to avoid a high consumption of paint on new surfaces, façades or interiors in general... This product can be applied to both interiors and exteriors and is recommended as a quality primer for general use in almost any kind of situation, insofar as it optimises the adhesion of the subsequent finishing coat.

HOW TO APPLY: Carefully protect all surfaces that are not to be treated from splashing. Application can take place at ambient and surface temperatures of 10ºC and over. FK-16 can be applied using a brush, roller or airless spray gun, onto surfaces that are clean and as dry as possible, and then let them dry before going ahead with the subsequent painting. Do not wash after application. Clean utensils immediately after use with water. For more information consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines and the safety sheet.

AVERAGE YIELD: FK-16 provides an average yield of approx. 6-10 m2/l as a cover, and as a fixative 20 m²/l. Although this may vary greatly, depending on how it is applied, and the texture and absorption of the surface it is applied to.


PROPERTIES: DISPERLITH REPARA is a special paint, mainly for use in the repair and protection of single-coat mortars, and similar, that suffer from defects and tonal variations. Respects the texture of the base, which does not appear to be painted. Water-based dispersion formulated with 100% pure acrylates, with low emissions and low smell (low Voc), free of APEO, ammonia, formaldehyde and heavy metals, highly resistant to damp in interiors and exteriors. DISPERLITH REPARA forms a very well balanced film of paint, easy to apply, fast drying, low smell and with an excellent finish, in line with DIN EN 13300 it has Class 1 scrub resistance and provides Class 2 cover (250 ml/m²), Class 1 water vapour breathability (SD = 0.14), and Class 3 water permeability (W = 0.05 ). Excellent adherence to all manner of bases. Highly resistant to weather, UV rays, base alkalinity and carbonation. Can be applied at temperatures of 5ºC and over and at maximum relative humidity of 75%. Available in white and the colours of the NCS Exteriors chart.

MAIN USE: DISPERLITH REPARA is mainly used on exterior walls, façades with single-coat mortar or similar suffering from defects and tonal variations, compatible with most duly primed surfaces and for use on previous layers of dispersion paints and/or primers that are well adhered and resistant to cross-cut testing, Class 0-1 UNE-DIN EN ISO 2409:2007. Particularly for general industrial uses, construction, façade renovation and civil engineering.

HOW TO APPLY: Carefully protect all surfaces that are not to be treated from splashing. Application at ambient and base temperatures of 5ºC or above. Following adequate preparation of the base, DISPERLITH REPARA is applied without diluting, in 2 coats, using brushes, rollers or airless spray guns. The base must be clean and free of hygroscopic salts, microorganisms, etc., and duly primed, depending on the case. The second coat can be applied when the first coat starts to lose its wet sheen and becomes dry to the touch (in normal conditions, at 20ºC-60% humidity, after around 2-3 hours). Clean utensils immediately after use with water. For more information consult the specifications sheet and/or application guidelines, along with the safety sheet.

AVERAGE YIELD: DISPERLITH REPARA provides a yield of approx. 5-8 litre/m², although this may vary considerably, depending on how it is applied and the texture and absorption of the base.

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Fakolith Chemical Systems