Smoothing and fine plastering mortar that always together with the additives of the elite system, allows the application of reduced thicknesses for smooth finishes, of the same fineness as fine putty, micro-cements, stuccos, etc. In applications of very low thickness in interiors, exteriors and facades.
DESCRIPTION: Smoothing Elite Mortar is a fine plaster mortar for reparation and smoothing both indoors and outdoors, especially on facades. Standard on white-gray and particle size fewer than 700 microns, which with additives elite system, allows the application of reduced rates for smoothing, with excellent workability and plasticity. It is part of decorative coating system micromortar elite.
MAIN USE: Levelling Mortar Elite is suitable for excellent smooth finish with fineness similar to fine filler, micro-cement, stucco, etc., in very low thickness applications. It could be tinted with oxides pigments Mixol and is suitable for smoothing uneven surfaces in facades and interiors, on Gotele walls or similar, plasters, ancient paintings, light partition walls, plasterboard or similar, as a topcoat finish system elite micromortar... It allows reaching iron finishes thanks to its easy sanding. It is unadvisable its use in fatigued substrates without a prior clean-up. If the base shows any kind of damage, lack of consistency, lack of adherence or cavities, previously must be removed and / or repaired properly. (Consult our Technical Department)
• Multilite: silicate additive that provides plasticity, consolidation, open time workability and increases the physical / chemical resistance.
• FK-19 Plus: pure acrylates and polyurethane additive, which provides compactness, impermeability, plasticity and increases the physical / chemical resistance.
APPLICATION: Protect all surfaces that won’t be treated or could be splattered. The support should be consistent, clean, free of hygroscopic salts, microorganisms, dust, release agents, paint or any other substance that may affect its adhesion. The base must be properly primed and must also be stabilized all possible base shrinkage cracks, settlement, etc.
1. Prepare mix additive elite + water in a ratio of 1 liter of additive per 4 liters of water. Print just before applying the mortar the mineral base with the same elite additive solution + water used for kneading, except when base has already been primed with FK-16.
2. Knead the mortar with about 8,2-8,5 liters of water + 2,5-2,8l. elite additive per 15 kg of mortar Elite Smoothing, until reach an homogeneous mass without lumps.
3. Pour between 10,8-12l. of the dissolution in a basket of suitable dimensions. Then slowly pour the mortar at the same time it will be beating at low speed with electric mixer, avoiding, especially vertical, to avoid sudden movements that take air mixture. The resulting viscous mass must be homogeneous without lumps.
Note: Variables indicated in the mix ratio of dissolution and mortar, are given according to weather conditions that may occur in each case. Obviously in higher temperature conditions higher proportion of the liquid component will be required, while in colder conditions the tendency is to use less of the liquid component. In any case it is recommended to perform a preliminary test to verify the relationship most appropriate for each particular situation mixture.
4. After been applied the recommended primer for each case or having moisturized the base just before applying the Smoothing mortar with the solution used for processing, it will be applied with pressure a first coat of just 1mm thick . After 2-3 hours minimum drying, there will be applied a second coat of smoothing mortar, now with a much smaller thickness of just 0,5mm, in order to achieve adequate levelling and smoothness.
5. The next day, there will be applied the third hand finishing. In this case apply just some microns thick with maximum pressure. Even depending on the need may be pressed until burn the paste getting similar finishes to stucco or microcement. Finish helped by a trowel.
After applying clean the tools, machinery, and / or hoses with water immediately, before the mortar sets.
Note: It is a thixotropic mortar, if it loses fluidity, shake again. Don’t add more water. In the FCS micromortar system, the Smoothed Elite Mortar is applied at the end and just a few microns. In this case it is used for repairing the elite micromortar minor imperfections that could be produced in its initial cure phase, to fill pores, microcracks ... etc. Once applied and dry (about 1-2 hours) must be sanded to leave only the filling material of every possible repair, in no case will be left any remaining on the surface. For further details and special applications, consult technical data sheet, application guides and safety data sheet.
AVERAGE YIELD: Approx. between 1,3-1,5 kg/m² Smoothing Elite Mortar for each mm thick +200 ml. elite additive per mm thickness. There are consumed approx. 2,2-2,4 l. elite additive for 15 kg of Smoothing Elite Mortar.
Sacks of 15 Kg