
by Fakolith Chemical Systems


Contact and environmental disinfectant, water-based concentrate, HA Sanitary Registry. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity against COVID-19 coronavirus. Use in food industry, hospitals, industries, clinics, schools, public and institutional areas.

Product description

IMPORTANT: BIOFILMSTOP CLEANER, has demonstrated efficacy according to EN 14476 against Adenovirus, Poliovirus and Murine Norovirus. All three are unwrapped viruses that are very difficult to inactivate by chemical disinfectants. Above all Poliovirus which is a very lipophilic virus and against which the quaternary ammoniums, on their own, are often not effective. Having passed this standard, it can be stated that BIOFILMSTOP Cleaner is totally virucidal according to the EN 14476 standard. THIS INCLUDES THE CORONAVIRUS SARS-COV-2 COVID-19.

DESCRIPTION: BIOFILMSTOP CLEANER is a concentrated water-based contact disinfectant with broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity. It can be used by professionals indoors and outdoors. Concentrated water-based, chlorine and formaldehyde free, highly biodegradable. It acts destroying the protection system of viruses, bacteria, molds and yeasts, generating a deep disinfection.

FIELDS OF USE: Use authorized groups PT2 and PT4 as environmental and contact disinfectant, for surfaces, areas and equipment, vehicles, and also specifically in the food industry.

General use in the food industry, hospitals (not to be confused with the specific PT2 disinfectants for medical areas), industries, public and institutional areas, clinics, schools, homes, offices and buildings, residents' associations, shops and establishments, etc.


• Health Register 18-20/40/90-09472: Environmental use. Contact disinfection on surfaces and equipment.

• Health Register 18-20/40/90-09472-HA: Use in the food industry. For contact disinfection on surfaces and equipment.

BioFilmStop Cleaner is listed and recommended as an effective virucide against VOCs-19 by the Ministry of Health and the ECHA European Chemicals Agency.

It complies with the UNE-EN 13697 standard in clean conditions. Chemical antiseptics and disinfectants. Quantitative non-porous surface test to evaluate the bactericidal and fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food products, industry, the home and the community.

Complies with the UNE-EN 14476 Standard in clean conditions. Antiseptics and chemical disinfectants. Quantitative test of viricidal suspension of antiseptics and chemical disinfectants used in medicine.

Efficacy tests in accordance with tests carried out in external ISO 17025-accredited laboratories (included in the dossier of the Ministry of Health).

MODE OF APPLICATION: Application by immersion, manual washing with brushes, mops, or spraying and fogging, always with the product diluted in water:

• To ensure a viricidal function in all cases, apply the product to the surface at the maximum dilution of 1:19 in water (5% concentration), and leave it to act for at least 15-20 minutes (a concentration of 2%, i.e. 1:49 in water is effective in many cases as indicated in the effectiveness tests below, but to avoid human failure, in critical situations such as COVID-19, we recommend using 5%).

• To ensure fungicidal activity, apply the product to the surface at a maximum dissolution of 1:32 in water (concentration 3%), and leave it to act for at least 15-20 minutes.

• To ensure a bactericidal activity apply the product on the surface at the maximum dissolution of 1:65 in water (concentration 1.5%), and let it act at least 5-10 minutes.

• For cleaning and disinfection before painting with Fakolith paints, use up to 1:8 solution in water (concentration 12.5%).

Once the mixture has been made, apply it preferably from the upper area with a brush, sponge, mop or spray, as appropriate in each case. Contribute to the removal of dirt and grease or food with a brush. After the application, brush and always respecting the contact times, rinse the surfaces with water.

In the case of application by fogging, access to the treated space should generally not be allowed until at least 3-4 hours after the end of the application. The actual time in each case will be determined by the equipment and method used, and must guarantee the complete precipitation of all the product sprayed on the surfaces.

Surfaces that will NOT be in contact with food or skin can be left to air dry without rinsing with water, or after the minimum time indicated, proceed to dry with disposable paper.

SAFETY: Always follow the instructions of the technical and safety data sheet before application.
BIOFILMSTOP CLEANER in useable solution ≤ 5%, is not classified as hazardous or corrosive according to Regulation (EU) No 1272/2008, but the concentrate supplied it is. Both safety data sheets are available on our website, concentrated and solved form ≤ 5%.

PERFORMANCE: As a disinfectant its performance is very variable, depending on the solution used, type and absorption of the surface, method of application, so its performance can vary between 1300 m² and 400 m² per litre of concentrate on non-absorbent surfaces. As a cleaner-disinfectant on absorbent surfaces for renovation processes and painting with Fakolith food and sanitary paints approx. 15-20 m²/l. concentrate.

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Fakolith Chemical Systems